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Showing posts with the label Discount


Recommended Modified Sports Massage . Currently discounted $80/session,if accept taking and using before-after photos Self-treatment recommendation   - Nutrition and Food Healing   - Self exercise (instruction included in 2nd & 3rd session) Any other health condition or symptom ? search

Developmental disability

Recommended treatment   Development disability treatment discount package $80/session   - AZSP Energy Healing   - Modified CranioSacral Therapy   - modified Athletic Body Balancing , if necessary Self-care Recommendation   - Epsom Salt Bathing   - Nutrition & Food healing   - Self Hands massage   - Workout, variety of exercises, esp. stretching, mobility training and balance training   - Handcraft, origami ,   - Environmental safety, stress & emotional release for family also recommended Any other health condition or symptom ? search

Parkinson’s Disease

Craniosacral therapy and AZSP Energy Healing is recommended. Parkinson's Disease treatment discount package $80/session Supervision required for all services. Any other health condition or symptom ? search