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Showing posts with the label Herbal Tea


anxiety treatment by AZ Sportivo Performance & AZSP Healing Unsteady blood glucose level could cause more emotional up and down, low sugar and lower GI( Glycemic Index ) diet are recommended. *1 Increase serotonin and melatonin biosynthesis by optimal exercises, healthy good sleep, stress management and intaking Tryptophan containing foods. *2 Also, recommnend Lactobacillus brevis for intestinal health. *3 More yang foods such as ginger, ginseng etc. herbal tea for relaxation and blood sugar balance Keep body warm avoid cold drinks/foods Stress management Talk with un-stressful friends, un-stressful topic in safe environment easygoing Optimal Exercise under daylight Refresh time between/after stressful environment Healthy Good Sleep > 7hours wake up in the morning sleep earlier No smart phone/tablet at night dimmer...

Common Cold

AZSP Energy Healing is recommended. Herbal Tea also recommended. Any other health condition or symptom ? search

Erectile Dysfunction, ED

If mental issues and hormone balances are considered as a root cause AZSP Energy Healing is recommended. Self-care Recommendation   - Qigong Healing Exercise   - Food healing   - Herbal tea Any other health condition or symptom ? search

Hypertension, High Blood Pressure

Low calorie diet and optimal exercises are highly recommended. AZSP Energy Healing is recommended. Contraindicated for other services. Epsom Salt Bathing, Herbal Tea are also recommended. Please consult your doctor before starting self-care treatment. We, AZ Sportivo Performance & AZSP Healing, think that blood pressure is based on complex of several factors, such as abdominal pressure, blood vessels and its surrounding tissues' flexibility and density, and fluid flow/visosity resistance of blood flow. Accumulated adipose tissues would be one of the most factor to increase abdominal pressure. And reducing adipose tissue by exercises and dieting would lower blood pressure. Without getting rid of any root causes of the high blood pressure, and if you lower blood pressure by medication drugs would cause some other health issues, which would be caused by decrease function of some organs. That would be one of current medical problem, which would keep i...