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Heat stroke

Heat stroke treatment by AZ Sportivo Performance & AZSP Healing If someone is experiencing heatstroke, it is essential to take immediate action as it is a medical emergency. Here are the steps to provide initial treatment for heatstroke: 1. Move to a Cooler Area: Get the affected person out of the heat and into a cool or shaded area as quickly as possible. This helps prevent further overheating. 2. Call for Emergency Medical Assistance: Dial emergency services or have someone else do it. Heatstroke can be life-threatening, and professional medical attention is crucial. 3. Lower Body Temperature: Start cooling the person's body immediately. You can do this by: - Removing excess clothing: Strip off any unnecessary clothing to allow heat to escape from the body. - Wetting the skin: Use cool water to wet the person's skin. You can spray or sponge cool water over their body or soak their clothes with cool water. - Using...

Baby colic

Baby colic treatment by AZ Sportivo Performance & AZSP Healing Recommendation Please check follows to find any reason(s) your baby crying Safety and Comfortable Environment for you and your baby ? temperature humidity noise, etc. feeding enough ? Need to change diaper ? Any symptom or medical condition? You may need medical check up for your baby. Are you stressed out ? Your emotion could affect your baby as well. Please keep calm and peaceful!   Be happy! optimal light exercise, walking, strolling, Yoga, Qigong would help meditaion, mindfulness, AZSP Energy Healing would also help for your stress relief. If you can't find out the reason why your baby crying, please try to hold your baby and walk for 5 minutes. And if your baby fell asleep, you can sit down, but keep hold him/her for 5 to 8 minutes before you put him/her ba...

post-acute sequelae of COVID-19

AZSP Energy Healing is recommended. Himalayan Salt Inhaler and/or oral/nasal cavity, pharynx cleansing with 1% Himalayan salt water are recommended. Most of the symptoms are considered to be caused by the persistence of chronic inflammation, especialy pharynx, epipharyngeal area. Reducing the inflammation would help reduce the symptons. Research study described regarding potential treatment method with Epipharyngeal Abraisive Therapy. And for self treatment to reducing epipharygeal inflammation, cleansing oral, nasal cavity and pharynx with with 1% of himalayan pink salt water would help. Reference Imai K, Yamano T, Nishi S, Nishi R, Nishi T, Tanaka H, Tsunoda T, Yoshimoto S, Tanaka A, Hiromatsu K, Shirasawa S, Nakagawa T, Nishi K. Epipharyngeal Abrasive Therapy (EAT) Has Potential as a Novel Method for Long COVID Treatment. Viruses. 2022 Apr 27;14(5):907. doi: 10.3390/v14050907. PMID: 35632649 ; PMCID: PMC9147901. Any other heal...

Jammed finger

Acute condition: AZSP Energy Healing and Kinesio Taping are recommended. Locally Contraindicated for other services. Icing also recommended for acute stage. Sub-acute and chronic condition: Sports Massage and Kinesio Taping are recommended. Epsom Salt Bathing also recommended for sub-acute and chronic stage. Please consult your doctor before starting self-care treatment. Prevention The most common jammed finger in sports injuries could be happened from collision with other players. To prevent sprains, reduce response time to adjust its conditions strength training surronding muscles Balance disc/board exercise can train neuromuscular coordination and reduce response time, which reduce both of proprioceptive erros and response time. Rubber tube training can strengthen surronding muscles. Kinesio Taping is one of commonly used method to support and stabilize joints without restricting range of motion, or by adjusting range of motion, wh...


Constipation treatment by AZ Sportivo Performance & AZSP Healing Recommendation Gluten-reduced diet , or gluten-free diet *1 Probiotics for Intestinal health *2 If your condition is really intense, you may like to reduce fibers and solid foods. And you may want to take more probiotics, yogurt for awhile until improve intestinal health. More fibers from foods , not from supplements refer details below Replace white grains to whole grains which contains more fibers and nutrients Eat more vegetables Replace drinking fruits juice to eating fruits for more fibers.(smoothie contains fibers, but the fibers are shredded and broken down to smaller pieces, which is not preferable. But if you drink smoothie, mix with yogurt.) fluid intake would be depending on how much you reduce gluten from your diet. As if kneading flour for making bread, its viscous is very depending on amount of f...

Food addiction

reference 1: Food Addiction and Eating Addiction: Scientific Advances and Their Clinical, Social and Policy Implications Adrian Carter, Charlotte A. Hardman, Tracy Burrows Nutrients. 2020 May; 12(5): 1485. Published online 2020 May 20. doi: 10.3390/nu12051485 PMCID: PMC7284368 2: Does Eating Addiction Favor a More Varied Diet or Contribute to Obesity?—The Case of Polish Adults Marzena Jezewska-Zychowicz, Aleksandra MaƂachowska, Marta Plichta Nutrients. 2020 May; 12(5): 1304. Published online 2020 May 2. doi: 10.3390/nu12051304 PMCID: PMC7285129 3: Treatment of the sensory and motor components of urges to eat (eating addiction?): a mobile-health pilot study for obesity in young people Robert A. Pretlow, Carol M. Stock, Leigh Roeger, Stephen Allison Eat Weight Disord. 2020; 25(6): 1779–1787. Published online 2020 Jan 14. doi: 10.1007/s40519-019-00836-z PMCID: PMC7581598 4: Animal Models Lead the Way to Further Understanding Food Addiction as Well as Providi...

Mental disorder

Mental disorder treatment by AZ Sportivo Performance & AZSP Healing Unsteady blood glucose level could cause more emotional up and down, low sugar and lower GI( Glycemic Index ) diet are recommended. *1 Increase serotonin and melatonin biosynthesis by optimal exercises, healthy good sleep, stress management and intaking Tryptophan containing foods. *2 Also, recommnend Lactobacillus brevis for intestinal health. *3 More yang foods such as ginger, ginseng etc. herbal tea for relaxation and blood sugar balance Keep body warm avoid cold drinks/foods Stress management Talk with un-stressful friends, un-stressful topic in safe environment easygoing Optimal Exercise under daylight Refresh time between/after stressful environment Healthy Good Sleep > 7hours wake up in the morning sleep earlier No smart phone/tablet at night ...