- Please check follows to find any reason(s) your baby crying
- Safety and Comfortable Environment for you and your baby ?
- feeding enough ?
- Need to change diaper ?
- Any symptom or medical condition?
- Are you stressed out ?
- optimal light exercise, walking, strolling, Yoga, Qigong would help
- meditaion, mindfulness, AZSP Energy Healing would also help for your stress relief.
- temperature
- humidity
- noise, etc.
- You may need medical check up for your baby.
- Your emotion could affect your baby as well.
Please keep calm and peaceful! Be happy!
If you can't find out the reason why your baby crying, please try to hold your baby and walk for 5 minutes. And if your baby fell asleep, you can sit down, but keep hold him/her for 5 to 8 minutes before you put him/her back to his/her bed.