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Mental disorder

Mental disorder treatment by AZ Sportivo Performance & AZSP Healing
Unsteady blood glucose level could cause more emotional up and down, low sugar and lower GI(Glycemic Index) diet are recommended. *1
Increase serotonin and melatonin biosynthesis by optimal exercises, healthy good sleep, stress management and intaking Tryptophan containing foods. *2
Also, recommnend
  • Lactobacillus brevis for intestinal health. *3
  • More yang foods
  • Keep body warm
    • avoid cold drinks/foods
  • Stress management
    • Talk with un-stressful friends, un-stressful topic in safe environment
    • easygoing
    • Optimal Exercise under daylight
    • Refresh time between/after stressful environment
    • Healthy Good Sleep > 7hours
      • wake up in the morning
      • sleep earlier
        • No smart phone/tablet at night
        • dimmer light at night
    • mindfulness meditation
  • AZSP Energy Healing for stress relief, mind & body balance


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